New Institutionalism
20th Workshop Salzburg 2025
Reminder: 14th Workshop on New Institutionalism in Organization Theory, Bocconi University, Milan, March 16-17, 2018

The 14th annual new institutionalism workshop (NIW) seeks to bring together kindred spirits from different disciplines, countries, and academic systems who share an interest in pushing forward theoretical and/or empirical frontiers of institutional research. The workshop is an open forum, a space for meeting and conversation in order to share innovative research ideas and approaches. Following the tradition of NIW, it welcomes in particular papers in their early stage.

We encourage work that brings forward novel topics, employs innovative methodology, and/or advances fresh perspectives of inquiry. Approaches that drift away from present mainstream themes will enhance and develop our understanding of institutions and institutional phenomena. We are especially keen to hear voices from literature that does not belong to the standard reference list of institutional theory, and/or to learn about scholarly endeavors that draw on work not available in English. Also, in line with the new institutionalism network’s spirit, the workshop encourages collaboration, particularly among scholars drawing on or bridging different disciplines. We look forward to receiving submissions by experienced academics, young scholars, and doctoral students alike, and to many enjoyable and fruitful discussions during the workshop. Participants are expected to be present throughout the workshop and actively contribute to the discussions.

This year we look forward to receiving submissions that contribute to the following areas of interest:

  1. Developments in new institutionalism (general track)
  2. Institutional research on public issues (special track). In this special track we welcome in particular theoretical and empirical studies that adopt an institutional lens to understand issues of public interest and societal relevance, including research on public and non profit organizations, social enterprises, public policy and decision making, governance arrangements (including those activated by companies in their role of corporate citizens) and transnational dynamics.
  3. Institution and organization (special track). In this special track we welcome constructive (as opposed to purely critical) contributions that (re-)think the conceptualization of institution(s) and organization(s) and their interrelationship(s) and help us understand why organizational institutionalism can be called organizational and institutionalism in a meaningful way.

When submitting your short paper, you will be given the option to express your preference to either join a special track or present in the general track.
Details will be made available via:
For all inquiries, please contact:

Important Dates and Information
Submission of short papers: October 1 - November 19, 2017 (between 800 and max 3,000 words) via website
Decision on acceptance by December 17, 2017
Online registration starts December 17, 2017
Registration deadline: February 4, 2018
Fees: 220 € Regular
150 € PhD Students

Key Note Speaker
Barbara Gray, Penn State University

Local Organizing Committee
Giulia Cappellaro, Amelia Compagni, Valentina Mele
Bocconi University, Department of Policy Analysis and Public Management

New Institutionalism Network Initiators
Georg Krücken, University of Kassel; Renate Meyer, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business & Copenhagen Business School; Peter Walgenbach, Friedrich Schiller University of Jena


